Diy Set Up Bmw Icom For Esys Softwareauto Diagnostic Tool

Here comes the gudie on How to use BMW E-sys coding software.After you reading this article,hope you can use E-sys coding software to coding for you BMW.

How To Use Bmw Enet Cable. Here is a manual of how to read F series I-Step from VCM master, using BMW E-sys software. The I-Level (aka I-Step) is the Integration Level of your car, which represents a package of firmwares for all your modules, and it corresponds to the version of ISTA/P last used to program your vehicle.

What Tool you need for starting E-sys coding?

1. BMW E-sys Coding Software (BMW E-sys Coding software, free download)

2. BMW ENET Cable

3. Laptop which E-sys installed on.

How To Use BMW E-sys Coding Software

Step 1: Install BMW E-sys Coding Software on you laptop.

Step 2: Connect cable to computer then to car.

Step 3: Open the E-sys software,and click the connect button.

Step 4: Select F series you are working on, my case F10 and select Connection via VIN and click “Connect”

Step 5: Click “OK”

Step 6: Click “Read”

Note:Option to save or not to save.

Step 7: Click “Read (VCM)”(Read SVT in newer E-Sys versions)

Step 8: Select CADF (only one with a green Check mark) file under the module you want to read

and select “Read Coding Data”

Step 9:Error Report, Click “Close” (or save if necessary)

Step 10:New option under CADF, a folder. Expand the folder by clicking + and right click that file, Select “EDIT FDL”

Step 11: Browse the folders till you find your option, I want option KOMFORTSCHLIESSUNG_FB

Step 12: Factory option set to nicht_active. Right click, select “Edit”

Step 13:Select option desired, in this case, select “aktiv”

Step 14: Once all changes have been made, Click the “Save” icon

Step 15: Once saved, click the green back arrow

Step 16: Right click FA, select “Activate FA”

Activating FA, just wait till it finishes. Once finished, FA should show (active) in green. If not, try again.

Note: If you do not activate FA as described in Step 19, you will receive this message

Step 17: Select the CAFD file that you just edited and then click “CODE FDL”

Step 18 :Coding FDL (progress)

Step 19:After it completes, Click “Close”

Step 20: Error report will open, view and click “Close” (or save if necessary)

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Free Download BMW E-sys 3.30.0 software from BMW ENET Cable with E sys BMW software for BMW coding. Below share BMW coding software bmw e sys free download for BMW ENET cable & how to installed E sys BMW Coding software with Java 32 bit.

Download BMW E-sys 3.30.0 JAVA memory >2Gb:

vcredist_x64.exe :

Java JRE 8 x64 :

Diy Set Up Bmw Icom For Esys Software Auto Diagnostic Tool Download

Note: NEVER tested; Unknown RISK

Better go to tested version: E-sys 3.23.4 for ENET cable

How to install BMW E-sys 3.30.0 with Java 32 bit:

For flashing failure risks to minimize, you need as much JAVA memory as you can have. E-sys 3.30.0 comes standard with Java 32 bit, maximizing usable memory to 2Gb (actually less, because runtime uses lots of Mb’s as well. Thx Tokenmaster).

Default setting in BMW E-sys 3.30.0 is 1024Mb. You can change it (in esys.bat; thx Shawn)to about 1500Mb. If you set too high, E-sys won’t start anymore. Just trial&error.

If you want more usable memory to further reduce memory related flash failures, upgrade Java to 64bit:

1. Download/Install vcredist_x64.exe (see link)

Diy Set Up Bmw Icom For Esys Softwareauto Diagnostic Tool

2. Download/Install JRE 8 x64 (see link)

3. Delete JRE folder in c:EC-appsESGE-Sysjre

4. Rename just installed JRE 8 x64 folder(c:Program FilesJavajre1.8.0_144) to JRE and move to c:EC-appsESGE-sysjre.

5. Change memory setting in esys.bat:
:set OPTION_MEMORY=-Xmx3000m (or 2048 or 4000 or whatever)

6. Run E-sys and close E-sys

7. Open last LOG file in c:DataLogs

8. Search for : “Java (max)” Without quotes to check your present max usable memory

9. Use E-sys software with decreased flash failure risks

Diy Set Up Bmw Icom For Esys Software Auto Diagnostic Toolbox

For me this was solution for NBT flash issues!